ColourPop – obsessed doesn’t cover it

Ok, It’s time I confess something – I AM ADDICTED TO COLOURPOP. In particular their Super Shock Eyeshadows. Seriously. Obsessed. Its actually embarrassing. If my husband finds me pouring over reviews and stalking certain shades ever again I think he will ban me from the internet. for all eternity.


So instead I am writing my own review. WIN!

Can you resist their logo?? It creates excited butterflies deep in my shopping soul. This by the way is what the inside of their shipping box looks like. It kills me. I am such a sucker for marketing and packaging.

ColourPop is a small, new compony in LA that sells cruelty free products made right here in the US- and its awesome.

And get this- everything on their site is $5. Let me repeat – $5!!! You can’t beat that!!


2015-01-07 19.26.24When I got my most recent package (yes. yes that means I have received multiple) There was this little sticker stuck to the outside- I loved it. I love things that support our own economy here in the US, plus the sticker was just kind of cute.


Alright- here is what was in my magical parcel when I opened it:

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First thing you see is a hand written note– yeah, that’s right. FREAKING ADORABLE. Makes it feel like you just received a package from a far away best friend.

They also send cards with helpful tips as to get the best use out of your products, then last but not least- the glory itself.

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I ordered some lip things, but i will do a separate blog on that.

Each Super Shock Shadow is packaged in this adorable package which allows you to see the actual color of the product.



2015-01-07 19.35.38On the top of the box is their most emphasized tip- close the jars tightly after each use so the product doesn’t dry out.

The packaging of the product itself is also incredible. It can be a little bit hard to grip as the base of the jar so much less tall than the lid, but its well worth the tiny pickle jar struggle.



Consistancy and Quality– Alright. This is the reason why I am raving so much, the quality of these are incredible. I cannot lie, I own mostly high-end products and find it very difficult to part with quality. There are only a few ‘drug-store’ products that I can whole heartedly recommend. And these are one of them

They feel almost identical to Dior’s Fusion Mono Eyeshadows , but come without the hefty $31 price tag. In fact, I would go as far as to say ColorPop is even better! They last beautifully- I will apply around 7 am, work an entire day and they still look beautiful when I go to take them off before bed

(Disclaimer: I do use a primer when I wear these, and they look good by the time I take them off if I don’t start rubbing and smearing my eyes in a tired haze. it happens.)

They feel like a cool, creamy powder (think solid mousse) and blend beautifully

Their packaging looks cute and solid, a very similar design to Stila’s Magnificent Metals Foil Eyeshadow (Some have said the texture of these are similar, but I disagree. Super Shock’s are much more silky and soft where the Foil Shadows are a bit more coarse. Don’t get me wrong, I ADORE Stila’s Foil Shadows, I just think they are very different products.)

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as you can see the packaging of ColourPop is slightly bigger than Stila, however they both have 2g of product (but once again, Stila is $32 where ColourPop is 5$!)

The glitter in these are similar to the Urban Decay Moondust Shadows , only they are much creamier, more pigmented and have less fallout.

Application and Finishes- The shadows are advertised as being best when applied with fingers. Whenever brands have claimed that their products, particularly eyeshadows, blend well with fingers I find I cannot get a good blend, gradient or color payoff without using a brush, and these are the first shadows that I find I actually adore using my God-given-tools. I still blend the edges with a brush sometimes, but this is the first product I have fully loved using this way, and with the colors being buildable you can truly get the most stunning looks with absolutely no brushesIncredible for those who don’t have the time, money or desire to need five million brushes to do their makeup in the morning. Only downside? For those of us who are addicted to our tools, some of the colors do not work with brushes very well. I have found a flat synthetic brush is the best for those that do, especially if you need a precise application.

ColourPop also has an INCREDIBLE range of colors and finishes, which Dior’s version does not. If you are someone who dies to have insane amount of sparkle and glitter saturating your eyes but hate the fallout and transfer of traditional glitter, you will adore the metallic finishes. and they just recently launched their Matte line, so they have officially created something for every single person. Whether you spend a lot of time on makeup or none, want glitter or just a subtle color, these shadows have you covered.

The different finishes are:



Pressed Pigment


Tie Dye

Ultra Metallic


Ok, now for the swatches. I know this is what you all really want.


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This is a most stunning, glittery rose gold ever. It is Metallic and so so o so prettttyyy



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They describe it as a smoky mid-toned plum, which describes it perfectly. This one is also Metallic and has beautiful gold glitter



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This is a Pearlized and so much creamier than the other colors. It still have sparkle, but not nearly as much as while having gorgeous color pay off



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This one is quickly becoming one of my favorites. It is a Tie Dye. You swirl all the colors together and get a super unique color. This one in particular becomes an incredibly shiny silver with pink and silver glitter. Gorgeous on top of dark colors to create a dramatic, glittery smokey eye

Here are the above colors swatched- LOOK AT THAT PIGMENTATION!!

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‘Game Face’

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This Shades is an Ultra Metallic. I sadly forgot to swatch this one, but it’s color payoff is ridiculous and looks exactly like it does in the pot



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I wasn’t sure if I would like this color because it seemed so simple, but it is my most used color! As is evidence as i have already hit pan in that little corner. It is a Satin finish. It is the most soft beige-off white with pink shift- my favorite inner corner shade to brighten any look


‘So Quiche’

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Besides ‘Girly’, ‘So Quiche’ truly is my favorite shade. This stunner is an olive green- gold shade with pink and violet glitter. OBSESSED. Seriously.I have to force myself to not wear this Metallic shade every day



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This is a super fun shade, albeit not the most wearable. This Satin shade is beautifully soft and pigmented. If you like bright colors, you will love this one! It does take some building for full payoff, but i have yet to find a powder like product that doesn’t, and this has way better color than others I have tried

Here are the swatches for the above three, ‘Girly’ does not show up as stunning as it is, and you can barely make out the pink glitter in ‘So Quiche’, but believe me, they are the best

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This is most beautiful color imaginable. this Metallic is like a deep, ruddy aubergine with a blue shift and blue glitter. Similar to MAC’s Blue Brown pigment but more purple than brown



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And here we have a bright cobalt in a Pearlized finish. You can barely make out some of the blue and pink glitter in the picture


‘Pop Rocks’

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Last but not least, this Tie Dye ends up swirling together to become a cornflower blue with a ton of glitter

Here are the last three swatches- can you believe these?? You have to understand now why I am obsessed

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Here is an eye look I did with only ColourPop. I kept it a soft smokey eye, but you can really get deep pigmentation with these! I also did this look with only using one brush, one time- to blend the crease. Everything else was blended with fingers!

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Conclusion: $5, incredible pigmentation, glitter without fallout, huge rage of colors- These babies are a win all around! I can’t wait to get my hands on the matte ones.

Have you tried ColourPop? Tell me what you think! Have you joined my insane craze??

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